Collecting Memories via A Unique Hobby!

by Go Disha

 Posted on Thu Sep, 14 2017 15:17

The words preferences, choices, fondness, favorites and many such magically rule your mind and heart. You will always want the collection of things you like and are fond to stay unique. And while there are countless numbers of people practicing the hobby of gathering antiques from all around the world, set your hobbies apart from your friends and shine bright by curating some inspirational finds!

Once you are determined yet jumbling to pick the best ideas, here are some great things to set forth with:


Coins & Paper MoneyCoins & Paper Money

Out of the several other passions, the most common found amongst travelers is collection of coins and paper money. It’s the simplest combination that gives an insight of how you love traveling and preserve a small piece of economy from every part abroad.



Rocks / Seashells

Rocks / Seashells

Though landscape paintings from different parts of the globe retain a special place in your travel diaries, let’s distinguish your hobby looking beyond those artist’s personal style that are only left hanged on your dining room’s wall. We recommend you to pick up rocks or seashells from everywhere you travel as a keepsake memory!



This can be a little expensive and may require ample space for storage but preserving wines as a hobby can certainly add standards to your passion! This not only impresses the audience checking out your classy vintage collection but indeed, enhances your choices and preferences with passing time.



Collect tiny illustrations of the famous attractions of every place you have been to. These fascinations can be notably known as gathering the trinkets and collectibles of Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Taj Mahal or miniature castle building model and such more you find off the streets or in the market!


Postcards / MapsPostcards / Maps

Majority of people have a map-collecting obsession but often fail to preserve it rightly. We say, don’t just keep these precious collections in your keepsake but play creatively with it! Let’s reroute the days before GPS and stand apart by adapting map crafts with myriad ideas. For e.g. photo-frame it or use it as door hangers or one complete wall designed with maps!


Keepsake BoxesKeepsake Boxes

Lovely is the time spent while holidaying! You just cannot get over the memories it gifts you and keepsake boxes to collect photographs are the perfect medium to rejuvenate and relive the stories behind those old photos! Add an ounce of creativity to your boxes by making a customized use of the obsolete yet colorful typographic travel tags over them.

Postage Stamps


The intricate detailing on postage stamps attracts many due to the tiny art work. It indeed acts as one extremely important element to connect relatives and beloved friends via a traditional medium (more touching) than emails and social media used in this modern times!



So, what you think, which hobby suits your passion the most? 


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