Posted on Wed Aug, 26 2015 15:52

Learn to anticipate for delays & try not to get upset when things go inevitably wrong. Patience is extremely important when traveling.
About a week or so before each trip, make a mental list of items you don’t want to forget & one you can refer to later.
Dont forget an extra camera battery.
It must have happened with you at least a few times when you reach a certain scenic destination only to realize that your battery is dead. So don’t miss out on that perfect shot and carry some extra batteries.
They make the best souvenirs!
You are a visitor. Be respectful. Don’t judge other customs.
Always buy travel insurance
A medical emergency can wipe out your savings — or even worse. So remember to insure up.
Make photocopies of important documents
It’s always a very good idea to keep a copy of your passport in a separate bag from your actual passport. Also carry some extra passport photos.
Put electronics, meducations, toothbrush, & an extra pair of underwear in your carry-on.
A few important items should always go in your carry-on. You can buy most of these things if your bag gets lost, but having them in your carry-on will save you money and time if your luggage gets lost in transit.
Emquire about the price before you take public transportation
It’s a good idea to ask about the price before you hop on a bus, or other form of public transportation.
Bring lotion in your carry-on
Carry up to 10ml of lotion in your handbag anything more would be asked to left out. The cabins are usually dry and the lavatories don’t usually have lotions.
At such a great height it’s much easier to get dehydrated. Staying hydrated — especially on long-haul flights — makes it easier to get over jet lag too.
Make it a point to always ask the locals to point you to the best restaurants, awesome spots to watch the sunset, the best place to hangout, shop, etc. You’d be surprised by the experience you get.
Free public WIFI. . Beware
Try to avoid logging into bank accounts or entering passwords while using free public WIFI at a place like an airport. Hotels usually have a safe network as its password protected.
No matter how tempting, don’t plan your entire itinerary ahead of time. Sometimes unplanned moments could turn up to be the best memories.
Let someone at home know your plans
This is extremely important when traveling solo, but it’s still a good idea even if you have a travel group.
Separate your personal items
If you are travelling with your partner mix your personal items in the bags. That way if one of your bags gets lost, you will still have some clothing and personal items.
Separate your sourses of money
Don’t keep all of your cash and cards in one spot. It’s wise to hide some cash & also have a back up credit/bank card in separate bags.
Pack a small first aid kit with aspirin, cold meds, cough drops, bandages, some meds for diarrhea and minor allergic reactions, Neosporin, and other things that you may not have easy access to.